I was invited lecturer at the International Conference on Additive Technologies. I was talking about additive technologies in industrial design (jewelry design). On the conference my friend Dr. Igor Drstvensek also introduced me to Mr. Terry Wohlers(unfortunately,Iforgot totake pictureswithhim :( but i gave him one of my lights. Using additive technology, I designed a light, which was used for prizes at the conference. You can see more conference photos here. Design award:Springtime Jewelry
I had a workshop for jewelry in Celje. It was great, students were enthusiastic and we know quite a few manufacturing processes. You can see some pictures.
Associate: Bojan Zdovc, jewelry master Photography: Bostjan Bensa
Making of a New Beetle with Rhinoceros 4. Here are some step by step pictures (everything started with reference sketches, photos, pictures and blueprints). This is just a model, without shaders and textures. I will make some final renders in the future.
The wax model was cast in gold and here is the results (material: white gold). This two models are rough and they are not polished or treated with some other process yet. Thous processes will follow on the next phase of development (in the meantime I am waiting for stones from Germany - hope that they will be nice with our coat-of-arms :)
This is the Signet ring for our family. I already made the basic shape of the ring (in Rhinoceros) and prepared it for 3D print. And than it will be caste in white gold and in the middle I will use stone called "Black coral". At the moment I am working on a coat-of-arms (so, the lion on the render picture is only provisional and it`s made in Photoshop). For this purpose I am using interesting side about Heraldry.
Vesna Award for the best animated film – Chicory’n’Coffee, Dušan Kastelic
Definitely one of the undisputable highlights of the festival, one of the top achievements of Slovenian animation and a short film in general. With a striking accuracy and a well applied touch of finery, it tells a story full of bitter-sweet truth. Using modern animation technique, the film can shamelessly match those from the best and the richest of the studios. The film makes chicory smell just like coffee. On behalf of all the viewers, we kindly thank the author’s wife for the patience she showed throughout the years. (from left to right:Uros Hohkravt, Mateja Staric, Dusan Kastelic)
6.10. 2008 Kinodvor, ob 21:00 uri Cikorja an`kafe, Dusan Kastelic (Predpremiera: zahvaljujemo se Filmskemu skladu, ker je dovolil predvajati film pred uradno premiero, ki bo na FSF 2008 v Portorozu).
Sometimes we have to made very complex ring, with a lot of details, stone holes and form that can not be jet in rubber mold. In this cases, stereolitografy is a great choice that can be used. I made the test ring (you can download the ring here) with stone settings in Rhinoceros and than I save the model in STL format for stereolitography(Digitalwax 029). In this process, we don`t need rubber mould to jet wax rings. So, we made a few models and put it directly to the tree (how the tree looks like).
Results: The rings were casted without porosity and the stones were fix inserted. The only problem was surface (the models needed to be extra handmade polished) and the space between stones (was not shiny).We also notice that the models made with Digitalwax 029 were a bit deformed, because the wax doesn`t harden instantly (but it runs a bit) .
A few months ago I made a contest for the best T-shirt (2D & 3D motif). The winning T-shirt was "Buoh mi odpusti t`s grijeh!". I made a few of them for my friends and for all who are supporting me at my work.
DSSP seminar was very successful and I hope that this is a good stimulation for development 3D technology and that there will be more educations in this direction also in Slovenia in the future. Thanks to all for invitation.
The background picture was made with 3D Studio Max and rendered in V-ray. I also made some small color correction in Photoshop and for the text I used Illustrator.
The poster was made for fair which was going on in Celje(poster size 210x80 cm).
My final work for College was scenography with props for 3d animation, called "Chicory&Coffee". In this book I explore the history of 3D computer graphic, something about storyboards, limitations in 3d computer graphic ...etc. The very core of my diploma paper also points out the way how the industrial designer thinks, how he sees the solutions and the importance of those solutions in animation. In this respect, we can realize the essence and importance of his knowledge, with which he can operate in any field and branch possible (within the context of his professional know-how and expertise). To enhance some interesting points, I also included the manners with which I solved some technical difficulties and compared them to world renowned studios and workshops. Link:Chicory&Coffee Book
A fewarticles back, I wastestingglasswith V-ray. Hereisanother test withdifferentsettingand more glassfacilities. I made a fewshotswithcameraalso, butresultsweremuch worsethanvisualization.
A few articles back I tested Rhinoceros 4.0 and I made Mp3 player IriveriFP - 899. Now, I decided to put it on my blog for free. You can download it in 3dm and 3ds format.
Finally, back from London. I went to visit some faculties. They have open days and I have chance to look around, meet some students, ask questions and get the application forms. And here is a video from Royal College of Art exhibition (mostly transport design).
I was just testing modeling capabilities in Rhino 4, that`s why I didn`t use materials. It`s a great tool and I recommend it to all product designers (with V-ray or Maxwell render simulator).