August 06, 2007

Graveyard scene

Dusan has already set up the graveyard scene. I think that this is the final solution.
This image has also won the award at Hash contest "Anything goes".


Joe said...

That's a beautifully composed scene - is it for a short animation?

Unknown said...

Thanks Joe!

Yes, this scene is made for short animation called Chicory&Coffee.

You can see much more details on this side:

There is also animatics, and you will see where the scene will be used.

Matej said...


Matej said...


Unknown said...

Thanks for visiting Matej and for your feedback!

Paul Young said...

Wow, you are an amazing artist, enjoyed the site!

Unknown said...

I am glad that you like it! Thank`s Paul, for your visit and feedback! :)

Andrew Glazebrook said...

Stunning work as usual !