September 12, 2007

Surprise flower

Life itself has always been an inspiration to us. Not only our life, but also the vital energy of other human beings surrounding us. Beside the fact that growing plants is existentially very important for people, it also fills them with enthusiasm, plants have a very calming affect on people, they produce oxygen etc.

We buy a neatly packed small pot with a seed sowed in it. The seed can be waken by removing the lid on the top of the pot. When the daylight breaks through, the story begins. That causes curiosity and interest which won’t leave us calm until the plant grows (we will curiously observe its growth every day guessing which sort of plant it is). Instructions, written on the inner site of the lid will help us grow the plant correctly (temperature, humidity, light etc…), but won’t reveal the sort of the plant.

Some people will get fond of the plant in that cycle, they will get to know it better, maybe turn their experiences over to others. Some of them will take it as a surprise, joy and a spontaneous moment. But all of them will experience a moment of anticipation and joy watching the birth of a new plant, which symbolically speaks of joy, hope and life.

It offers a spontaneous moment of purchase to the costumer (it
breaks daily habits and an excessively planned life). Costumers interests (what did she/he actually buy) will be aroused along with pleasant feelings of anticipation and finding out which plant will grow from their pot. (first we take a guess on the appearance of petals, we wait if the flower will grow…) Our curiosity causes that we like what we do and we feel well doing it.

According to transport, maintenance and keeping is Surprise flower a very simple product (no need of light or a big glazed window). Life expectancy is much longer than by plants in full growth, which need daylight and have to be watered regularly.

It would be reasonable to use well resistant seeds of plants, which grow relatively fast. Mineral material should be added to the soil, because it is indispensable for a successful growth of plants. There is an extra ring in the pot which absorbs the moisture, but when we open it, it takes over the function to cover the soil and in that way prevents germinations of weeds.

::Idea is introduced on IDasia and also on Greendesigners side::

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