September 02, 2008

Ring with stone settings

Sometimes we have to made very complex ring, with a lot of details, stone holes and form that can not be jet in rubber mold. In this cases, stereolitografy is a great choice that can be used.
I made the test ring (you can download the ring here) with stone settings in Rhinoceros and than I save the model in STL format for stereolitography (Digitalwax 029). In this process, we don`t need rubber mould to jet wax rings. So, we made a few models and put it directly to the tree (how the tree looks like).

Results: The rings were casted without porosity and the stones were fix inserted. The only problem was surface (the models needed to be extra handmade polished) and the space between stones (was not shiny). We also notice that the models made with Digitalwax 029 were a bit deformed, because the wax doesn`t harden instantly (but it runs a bit) .

Casting process: Part 1, Part 2, Jewelry casting

1 comment:

Andrew Glazebrook said...

Great work on this one also !!